

英式发音[?br?t??] 美式发音[?br?t??]adj. 英国的;英国人的;不列颠的;英国英语的; n.(总称)英国人;英国英语;


2.造句:He’s been meeting with British parliamentarians and government officials.翻译:他一直在与英国议员和政府官员会晤。造句:British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children.翻译:英国官员已为妇女和儿童预订了宾馆房间。


英国人,应该在English 后加名词,单纯English 是形容词定语,不能当成英国人使用的。如: an English girl 一个英国女孩an English boy 一个英国男孩an English gentleman 一个英国绅士。表复数,则是 many English men, several English women 等。







俗称“米字旗”,“the Stars and Stripes”,正式称呼是 “the Union Flag“,也常常称为“the Union Jack“。Jack是海军用语,指悬挂在舰首的旗帜。Union Flag意为 “联合旗帜”。它是深蓝底色的红白米字旗。这面旗帜由英格兰的白底红色正十字旗,苏格兰的蓝底白色斜十字旗和爱尔兰的白底红色斜十字旗合一而成。


  • 朋友跟我说英国启航论文可以写英文论文,有知道的亲吗?
  • 朋友跟我说英国启航论这个还可以对待,好得事情


  • 1000到2000字,急用,谢谢
  • 近来有点忙的呀。


  • 单号:ru088491718gp谢谢您了,辛苦您了,请回复我。
  • 单号有误说


  • 今晚的CCTV1播放的中国吉尼斯之夜,那个英国女的表演用胸部着地旋转,她出来时播放的那首英文歌曲叫什么名字??????知道的大神赶快说,我3000的财富值等着你
  • 我知道:Katy Perry — Roar


  • 麻烦了。。
  • 英国17-18世纪简史—–大事记表–17-18 th centuryIn 1628, Parliament the opposition reflects the requirements of bourgeois "petition of right",At the beginning of 1645, Cromwell established the "new model army defeated the army," Wang Dang New Model Army, battle of.In 1648 February, the king power complex was defeated, second the end of the civil war,In January 30, 1649, announced the establishment of a unicameral republic.In 1653 April, Cromwell established in December by the government, the military dictatorship.In 1660 February, restoration of the Stuart.In 1689 February, William and his wife Marie also came to the throne, the coup known to history as the "glorious revolution". "Bill of rights" announced restrictions on crown, expand the power of Parliament, laid the foundation of the British monarchy.1701: "act of settlement" (Act of Settlement 1701) by the British throne, requirements must be made by the Protestant succession.1707: the act of consolidation by merger, the kingdom of England and kingdom of Scotland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain was established.1714: according to the "act of settlement", according to the relation of blood inheritance cis position before the 50 members of the royal family are Catholic, Hannover Royal George I ascended the throne. During his reign, the prime minister system formation. Robert Walpole was the first prime minister.In 1756 1763 years: seven years of war. Engl……余下全文


  • 貌似2014.4.1起有新的政策, 预备带孩子出游英国,急问:非中文的资料如户口本的翻译件,孩子另一方家长的同意书,孩子的初生证明等,是否自己翻译就可以了? 是否必须公证?如需公证, 哪些需要 ?
  • 证件翻译都必须公证的,具体请看领馆给出的详单

英国留学需要提交英文学习计划 急求 在线等

  • 学校只要求A4纸大小的学习计划 本人大二 学会计学 准备去英国林肯大学
  • 林肯大学不算很top,所以你随便写写就可以了,学校也是想了解你是否清楚自己的计划。把字体调大点,小四不错,很容易占满一张A4纸。给你个梗概,自己完善吧。firstly, i would stirve to improve my english abilty i were admitted to your programme. i plan to increase my english proficiency in about three months, for the purpose of adapting to the rigorous study in lecturers, seminars and group projects. secondly, considering my specialty in accounting, i expect to look up the literatures in the university library, list the things that puzzle me and ask for the advice from my tutor. last but not least, i will work really hard to obtain high scores in the core modules and seize every opportunity to take internship or join in work replacement if the relevant projects are provided. upon graduation, i will come back to my home country and start a career in a mature accounting firm to accumulate hands-on experience.
